Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Dalai Lama's Cat

Would the Dalai Lama have a cat? Well, if he did, the cat would probably sound very much like the "I" in The Dalai Lama's Cat.

This book is a multi-layered narrative that shows the world-within-a-world that is Dharamsala, from the perspective of a cat rescued by the Dalai Lama. It is a great way to start learning about the Buddhist way of life and thought. The tone is very warm and cozy. At points it positively purrs at you, just like the protagonist would!

Some parts of the book are really touching - I especially loved the one where the hugely successful self-help guru realizes that true happiness comes from helping others be happy, and not making oneself the centre of existence.

I enjoyed reading this one, but I did feel that it got heavy at some places. Agreed, the basic premise of the book is that of a self-absorbed being bettering oneself by constant contact with positive examples, and a live insight into Buddhism's core principles. But sometimes the explanation ceases to be part of the story and acquires a life of it's own. This is the only small drag in the narrative.

Most of the time though, you just bask in the glow that comes out of this book. All in all, it was a good read.

Oh.. and Happy Diwali everyone!!

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